The THRIVE team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio has joined the Network! We are glad to expand the work of the DSD-TRN with this excellent team. The DSD-TRN now includes 16 pediatric DSD teams across the United States, and continues to partner with the patient and family advocacy organization, Accord Alliance. The team at Nationwide has included the below information about themselves:
The THRIVE Difference of Sexual Development Team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio is a transdisciplinary team involving Urology, Endocrinology, Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Genetics, Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Medical Social Work. The THRIVE-DSD team meets with patient and families throughout the child’s development to provide support and education on long-term expectations, sexual function, fertility, and self-image. The team provides long-term follow-up which may begin during the neonatal period, continue through childhood and adolescence, and through the transition to adult care. The THRIVE-DSD transdisciplinary model involves their team members meeting with the patient and family in one room to completely answer questions and skillfully provide education from each team member’s lens. They place a large importance on imbedding behavioral health providers into their team to promote psychosocial functioning and optimal coping with medical information. THRIVE stands for: Team-based Healthcare that Respects the Individual and Values Emotions – this acronym continues to be their driving force.